And here is the story:
Well I met up with D.Woods & her people's at a Hotel in Cambridge, and I'll tell you this the place was NOT easy to find. But any who, As I was getting closer to the hotel my nerves started kicking in I don't know how many of you get that feeling of having to use the bathroom when you get nervous, and well THAT'S THE FEELING I HAD. So I get to the revolving doors of the hotel and I duck down to see if the people in the lobby were indeed D.Woods and her crew and what do you know it was them. I heard "HEY!!" and I was nervous like "Hi!" in my head I'm just like oh my god I can't believe this is happening right now. She gave me a hug and
introduced me three other people, a girl who goes to Harvard, Her Stylist Renaldo, and another guy I can't remember his name I just know he's from Springfield. We said our greetings and I suppose Renaldo was supposed to be the camera man and record our moments of meeting each other but he failed so I had to re-enter 2 times to get it right lol.
So we all walk from the hotel to the place where the step show was being held which was at Harvard University. AS we were walking D.Woods decided to get to know me a little better and asked me some questions about myself, and in the meantime this whole thing was being recorded. Will the footage surface? I have no clue and I hope not lol. But as we were walking D.Woods lost her feel, those brick floors in Cambridge are NO JOKE. Another little mishap took place before we reached the step show, we were crossing the street. The girl who helped coordinated the event was crossing and a guy in a white car almost hit the poor girl. And he stopped his car and was like "watch what the fuck your doing when your crossing the street". Everyone was pretty much yelling back like "stfu and keep driving mother____". And get this, dude
was from MARYLAND. How are you going to come up in MY city and tell us what to do? Anyway doe...
We finally get to the step show, and all of the acts are in the hallways practicing, and I swore I heard about a 1,000 necks break as we entered the building. Went down to a little room and the girl who was walking with us gave D.Woods a little run through as to how the show was going to go down. So as we were waiting for someone to tell us the show was getting ready to start, D.Woods & Renaldo were talking to me about me carrying on the movement up here in the Boston area and I gladly took the honor. Then D.Woods singed a hard copy of the "Lady In the Streets Mixtape" and we took a picture. She also said I remind her of her best friend, I just don't remember the name of the girl but that's a good sign lol. The step show was behind schedule about 30 minutes CPT! And as we were still waiting and talking my stomach was on some other type of ish. I hadn't ate since morning, and they had NO FOOD at this event -_-. They came and brought some Milano cookies, fruit snacks, and some chips I don't even remember the name of...how convenient. Well moving on...

The show was finally going to start and D.Woods was one of the judges. There were 6 step groups who were competing, and in between each act there were dance crews, an acapella group who sang Jill Scott's "Long Walk" and Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing", and a middle school step team might I add they did their THANG they showed up most of these college crews. There was a little dance battle going on with people in the audience, everyone hitting their dougie's and flexing and I'll say this the place was CRAZY.
After the show was over I was unable to chill with D.Woods more because public transportation in Boston at night is the worst. We said our goodbye's until next time and took a final picture together. I absolutely enjoyed myself next time I have to spend a whole day with D. So until next time folks. <3>